As mass media audience we find them reaching the cheap coloured weeklies: Allas Veckotidning and Allers. Several of the men read Land. The urban Subsistence-Minded do not often subscribe to any morning newspaper.

As voters they vote traditionally with the Centre (agrarian) or Social Democratic party. They are attracted by slogans such as “No VAT on food” and “Lower Rents” which in Sweden are common slogans in Communist campaigns, but only a few of the urban Subsistence-Minded are Communists.

As employees the Subsistence-Minded are normally available for odd jobs and seasonal jobs. Many females among them hold continuous jobs but then often part-time.

In terms of demography, the Subsistence-Minded are mostly -
bullet working class with low cash income
bullet rural or small town
bullet parents of pre-school children or pensioners
bullet students who do not manage to get degrees or jobs


Gustavson, the Security-Minded

The Gustavsons have security as their lodestar. They want to own their job as their parents owned a plot of farm land. They drive a safe small car, have an account in the savings bank, and look forward to their safe pension. “You must” and “You must not” are important words in their daily vocabulary. They are somewhat apprehensive about experimenting.
They are happy with the social security network that Swedish welfare provides. As voters they would never conceive of “voting away security”. (“Don’t vote security away” has been the central slogan of the Social Democrats since the 5Os.)