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easy to find anyone around after 2 o’clock in the afternoon, not even the boss. For by then almost everyone has turned into a capitalist or at least pursues a bourgeois lifestyle. Some spend their time with their families, others at study groups, others job, fix up the boat, or devote themselves to other pursuits. And some turn into real capitalists and demonstrate what they’re capable of doing at jobs that are paid without receipts and which entail no taxes or regulations. People are pretty satisfied with this arrangement and don’t want to give up either part of it. But it is a far cry from the law of the land and labour market agreements.”
All told the present social order of Sweden allows for a variety of value expressions and life styles.
The cluster analysis by Digitab for this report reproduced the three ACE-types, Sustenance, Outer-Directed, and Inner-Directed in roughly equal proportions. (This is somewhat more Sustenance and fewer Outer-Directed than we have obtained by other methods.) The Sustenance category divided into two subgroups and the other categories in four each. We will use only three each of the latter for this presentation. The groups are named according to this scheme:
Status-Seekers Group-Faithful |
Reformers Experience-Seekers Self-Faithful |
Subsistence-Minded |
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