Ullman, the Mover

The Ullmans are Movers (a designation used here as in the phrase “movers and shakers”). They are active, externally oriented individuals who hold firm opinions on most subjects and readily assert them. Their feet are planted squarely on the ground, and they consider that their views are based on facts rather than emotional arguments. They are efficient and get things done, but can sometimes become driven by their own demands for accomplishment.

Movers have a keen sense of responsibility in their undertakings and therefore can often be found in positions of responsibility in their fields of endeavour. They are interested in innovations in political and organizational spheres, but especially in those of a technical nature, while most movers are male, female movers prove to be both able in their professions and/or capable well-organized housewives.

As consumers they appreciate quality but also products that save time during their busy days. Their buying habits are limited by a lack of time, not money. At present most of them seem to plan for continued high inflation: they prudently keep themselves in debt. Their capital is in constant search of inflation shelter: in the past decades it has mostly gone into real estate.

As employees they want to be the bosses.

As voters they rally mostly behind the Conservative Party.

Among massmedia they read Båtnytt, Månadsjournalen, and Veckans Affärer.

In terms of demography they are mostly -
bullet upper class or upper middle-class
bullet male