The note on 4: 30-31 has been revised to read:

Note. One or two sentences in this quote are typically Weber, i.e. gothic castles with many towers. My mother tongue is Swedish; the first foreign language I learned in school was German, later came French, and English, and I had only one year at an English-speaking university when I first tried a text by Max Weber. I shall not hide the fact that, even in C Wright Mills smoothening English editing, I had to struggle with the above passage when I first encountered it in 1950 as a graduate student at the University of Minnesota. To me it was illuminating to find out what a life in social science would be like. However, a mistranslation that hides a pivotal part of the scientific career, namely the wondrous joy of discovery that Weber describes as Vollgefühl. This term is translated as a flat and rational “fully conscious.” The actually meaning - thanks Berit Stolt   - is a feeling in strongest degree bursting of cheerfulness and bliss, filling the whole body. Such are the emotive rewards of a scientific discovery!

At the time of my first reading of the quoted passage, I was not particularly eager to cope with more Weber than was assigned in the course work in graduate school. I concentrated my studies on ideas from the Chicago School of Sociology (1: 187, 2: 68-71, and 3: 100-103). Only in due course did Weber’s texts become moving and molding to me. End of Note.

Page  4: 124   Change the first paragraph to read:

Among social scientists in Europe, Max Weber is the most well-known freebooter. Born in 1864, he had by 1882 become a lawyer in his hometown Berlin, and was also teaching Law as a Privatdozent, a position unsalaried by Berlin University but paid directly by students’ fees. He moved briefly to be Professor of Economy at Freiberg in 1894, and then in 1896 to Heidelberg with the title of Ordinarius. Weber used the privilege of a Humboldtian professor to choose his own research. He did not abandon writing on law and economy, but he diligently pursued the broader field of sociology, the name of general social science in his days. In the process, he overstrained himself and obtained the diagnosis of “neurasthenia,” one of the favorite notions among European psychiatrists used long into the first part of the twentieth century.

Page 4: 216  Insert as last para:

Post-Osler versions of medical handbooks have modifications. For example, sections on what the patient, rather than the doctor, can do to improve treatment and prognosis have become common. There are also openings going beyond a mere locating of symptoms to organs. A recent medical manual may tell that, say, a cancer is of a special generic type, rather than (or in addition) to say, that it is a colon, breast, prostate, or skin cancer.