Ashford, Douglas Elliott. |
Perspectives of a Moroccan nationalist [by] Douglas E. Ashford.
1964 |
Aubert, Vilhelm. |
Hidden society. |
1965 |
Caplow, Theodore. |
Urban ambience; a study of San Juan, Puerto Rico [by] Theodore
Caplow, Sheldon Stryker [and] Samuel E. Wallace. |
1964 |
Duncan, Hugh Dalziel. |
Communication and social order. |
1962 |
Duncan, Hugh Dalziel. |
Rise of Chicago as a literary center from 1885 to 1920; a
sociological essay in American culture. |
1964 |
Duncan, Hugh Dalziel. |
Culture and democracy; the struggle for form in society and
architecture in Chicago and the Middle West during the life and
times of Louis H. Sullivan. |
1965 |
Gendell, Murray, |
Sociological almanac for the United States. Edited by Murray Gendell
and Hans L. Zetterberg. |
1961 |
Gendell, Murray. |
Swedish working wives; a study of determinants and consequences.
1963 |
Gerholm, Tor Ragnar, |
Physics and man; an invitation to modern physics. |
1967 |
Glaser, William A., |
Government of associations; selections from the behavioral sciences.
Edited by William A. Glaser and David L. Sills. |
1966 |
Hanser, Charles J. |
Guide to decision; the Royal Commission, by Charles J. Hanser.
1965 |
Hausknecht, Murray. |
Joiners; a sociological description of voluntary association
membership in the United States. |
1962 |
Hopkins, Terence K. |
Exercise of influence in small groups [by] Terence K. Hopkins.
1964 |
Hård af Segerstad, Ulf. |
Modern Scandinavian furniture. [English translation by Nancy and
Edward Maze. |
1963 |
Jaffe, Abram J., |
Disabled workers in the labor market [by] A. J. Jaffe, Lincoln H.
Day [and] Walter Adams. |
1964 |
Jansson, Sven Birger Fredrik, |
Runes of Sweden. Translated by Peter G. Foote. |
1962 |
Karlsson, Georg, 1917- |
Adaptability and communication in marriage. |
1963 |
Levine, Gene Norman, |
Workers vote; the political behavior of men in the printing trade.
1963 |
McEwen, William P. |
Problem of social-scientific knowledge. |
1963 |
Næss, Arne. |
Gandhi and the nuclear age. |
1965 |
Naess, Arne. |
Communication and argument; elements of applied semantics.
Translated from the Norwegian by Alastair Hannay. |
1966 |
Pareto, Vilfredo,. |
Rise and fall of the elites; an application of theoretical
sociology. Introd. by Hans L. Zetterberg. |
1968 |
Ross, Alf, |
United Nations: peace and progress. |
1966 |
Roth, Guenther. |
Social Democrats in Imperial Germany; a study in working-class
isolation and national integration. Pref. by Reinhard Bendix.
1963 |
Saugstad, Per. |
Inquiry into the foundations of psychology. |
1965 |
Seger, Imogen. |
Responsibility for the community; a new norm confronts tradition in
Lutheran city churches. |
1963 |
Segerstedt, Torgny Torgnysson, |
Nature of social reality; an essay in the epistemology of empirical
sociology [by] Torgny T. Segerstedt. |
1966 |
Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, |
Social and cultural dynamics. |
1962 |
Stein, Lorenz von, |
History of the social movement in France, 1789-1850 [by] Lorenz von
Stein. Introduced, edited, and translated by Kaethe Mengelberg.
1964 |
Sussman, Leila Aline, |
Dear FDR: a study of political letter-writing. Introd. by Robert K.
Merton. |
1963 |
Tec, Nechama. |
Gambling in Sweden. |
1964 |
Tingsten, Herbert Lars Gustaf, |
Political behavior; studies in election statistics, [Translation by
Vilgot Hannerling] |
1963 |
Tingsten, Herbert Lars Gustaf, |
Problem of democracy [by] Herbert Tingsten. |
1965 |
Tingsten, Herbert,. |
Swedish social democrats; their ideological development [by] Herbert
Tingsten. Translated by Greta Frankel and Patricia Howard-Rosen.
Introd. by Richard Tomasson. |
1973 |
Wallace, Samuel E. |
Skid row as a way of life [by] Samuel E. Wallace. |
1965 |
White, Carl Milton, |
Sources of information in the social sciences, a guide to the
literature [by] Carl M. White and associates. |
1964 |
White, Carl Milton, |
Mexico's library and information services; a study of present
conditions and needs [by] Carl M. White. |
1969 |
Wildavsky, Aaron B. |
Leadership in a small town, by Aaron Wildavsky. |
1964 |
Wileden, A. F. |
Community development; the dynamics of planned change [by] Arthur F.
Wileden. |
1970 |
Zetterberg, Hans Lennart, |
On theory and verification in sociology, by Hans L. Zetterberg.
1963 |
Zetterberg, Hans Lennart, |
On theory and verification in sociology, by Hans L. Zetterberg.
1965 |
Two Bedminster titles are not listed in the above table from
Library of Congress:
Weber, Max, Economy and
Society*, 1968. Reprinted as paperback by Carlifonia University Press.
Zetterberg, Hans Lennart, Social Theory and Social Practice,1962.
Issued in new edition by Transaction Publishers.
influential works in sociology (Wikipedia)
In 1997, ISA conducted a survey of its membership to identify the 20th
century's most influential books in sociology. Members were asked to name
the five books that had the most influence on their own professional work.
There were 455 respondents (16% of ISA's members), of whom 20.9% named
Economy and Society by
Max Weber, placing it first on the ISA
list. The list was unveiled at the 1998 ISA congress, the organization's
last major conference in the 20th century, also marking ISA's 50th
anniversary. Germov and Skrbis described the list as representing "sociology
as a truly international, yet Western (and masculine) discipline". The
complete list of the top ten works in sociology, each of which was named by
at least 5 percent of respondents, was:
Max Weber, Economy and Society
Charles Wright Mills,
The Sociological Imagination
Robert K. Merton,
Social Theory and Social Structure
Max Weber,
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Peter L. Berger and
Thomas Luckmann,
The Social Construction of Reality
Pierre Bourdieu,
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment
of Taste
Norbert Elias,
The Civilizing Process
Jürgen Habermas,
The Theory of Communicative Action
Talcott Parsons,
The Structure of Social Action
Erving Goffman,
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life